Saturday, October 2, 2010

Poor people vs.Trashy people

One thing I have learned working in an upscale restaurant is that rich people can still be super trashy and poor people can be very classy. Some poor people however, can still be very trashy while some rich people can be classy.
My grandmother was a very poor woman and I can remember the handful of times she scrounged up enough money to take us out to eat when we were growing up. My grandmother cooked all of the time for our huge family and it was super rare that she ever had enough money to pay someone else to do this kind of work for her. She viewed going out to eat as what it is... a luxery and not an entitlement. She always treated staff with a sincere kindness and appreciation that you rarely see because most people view eating out as their god given right. If she did go out to eat she always made sure she had enough money to tip very well. She tipped more than the 15-20% because she figured that most other people probally treat them like hell (especially because she took us to lower end restaurants because it was all she could afford). And she was right.
Class isn't how much money you have. Class is a social grace that can't be bought. Class is treating people with respect out of humility and good will. Class is gratitude and tact.
Trashy is a barbaric demeanor. Demanding, rude, obnoxious and entitled. If you bring class to my table I will treat you with class. If you bring trash to my table I will treat you like you are trashy. I don't care if I know you have more money than God or if you are a poor little old lady widow who saved up enough pennies to treat your family to dinner.

Rule # 6: Keep it classy.

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